Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Raise Funds For Your Sports Team

The school year is in full swing and extra curricular activities are picking up! Sports teams are either gearing up for another season or in the case of football, may already be in full swing. In order to keep those sports programs going for the kids, there has to be money coming in from somewhere. One of the best ways to keep sports affordable for students is by holding a fundraiser. In today's blog, Harmison's Hometown Fundraising explains how we can help your child's sports team out with all their fundraising needs!

What Does Your Program Need? 

Sports programs require equipment, uniforms, trip expenses and more! Think about what your program needs and how you're going to pay for all those expenses? Rather than expecting parents to cover the costs, consider hosting a fundraiser. With our help, you can raise the money needed to cover the expenses required for a great season. Here are just some of the sports programs we have helped with their fundraising needs.

Football - Whether it's new uniforms, cleats or mouthguards, participating in a football program can be costly. The costs of summer camp also need to be taken into consideration.

Basketball - Depending on how good your basketball team is and how far you advance in the tournament phase of the season, expenses can increase.

Baseball - Whether you're traveling to an away game or staying home, baseball incurs a lot of the same expenses as other programs.

Cheerleading - Attending cheerleading competitions isn't cheap. In addition to entry fees and travel expenses, you have to invest in sharp looking uniforms, make-up, bows and more!

Wrestling- From wrestling gear to traveling expenses, wrestling incurs a variety of expenses as well.

Golf - Golf balls get lost all the time. In addition to golf balls and clubs, travel expenses associated with golf can be higher than other sports due to the fact that you have to travel to a golf course, not just another school.

Volleyball - From equipment and balls to uniforms and knee pads, volleyball is another sport that can easily benefit from taking advantage of our fundraising opportunities.

Dance - Dance teams often match their outfits to the routine, which means new outfits each year and maybe more than one per year. Fundraising is a great way to make sure the parents don't have to pay for those outfits.

No matter what your sport, Harmison's Hometown Fundraising is your solution to raising the funds needed! When you choose to work with us for your fundraising needs, you will receive personal services and your customers will receive quality products at a fair price. For more information on our fundraising services in the Midwest, give us a call at 800-810-0699. Set your goals and let our Missouri based fundraising company help you achieve those goals!

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