Wednesday, November 2, 2016

5 Tips for a Successful Fundraiser

Holding a fundraiser is one thing, but holding a successful one is another. In today's blog, Harmison's Hometown Fundraising offers a few tips to help you organize a successful fundraiser for your organization. We've got some great products and catalogs for you to choose from, now what are you going to do to sell them?

1. Define a Clear Purpose. 

Why is your organization considering doing a fundraiser? Do you need money for equipment and supplies? Do you need to raise money to pay for educational trips and experiences? Make sure that you're not just raising money to raise money. In order for the fundraiser to be successful, you need to have purpose behind it. The people supporting your fundraiser will want to know why you are doing it and where their money will be going.

2. Set Goals. 

Once you have a defined purpose for your fundraiser, you'll want to set some goals. While it's great to raise as much money as possible, people work better knowing they're reaching for something, a specific goal. Think about how much money is needed per person to go on that trip or how much the new equipment is going to cost. Once you have those numbers, share them with the group and set a goal for how much of that money needs to be raised during this upcoming fundraiser. If you're planning to do more than one fundraiser, you can set smaller goals that lead up to that big goal you want to raise by the end of all your fundraising.

3. Have a Marketing Plan.

Think about how you're going to let people know that you're raising funds for something awesome. Are you going to put flyers up around your school? Are you going to blast information out on social media? Word of mouth is great when it comes to fundraising, but there are other marketing avenues you should consider too. No matter how you plan to get the word out about your efforts, make sure you have a plan. Consider putting together a marketing committee, consisting of individuals dedicated to spreading the word about your organization and what you hope to accomplish with this fundraiser.

4. Practice Selling Techniques. 

Once you've determined what you're going to be selling and have your catalogs picked out, practice how you're going to approach consumers. Do some role-playing and test out your selling techniques. Don't just ask for the sale though. Be prepared to talk a little about the organization you're raising funds for and what you plan on doing with that money. People will be more willing to support you when they know their money is going to a good cause.

5. Don't Forget the Thank You. 

One of the best ways to keep your supporters happy is to thank them for their contributions. While you may have already gotten the sale this year, showing your appreciation will encourage them to continue supporting you and your organization in the future. Don't forget that when you're out there selling, you're being the face of the organization and people will notice those extra little bits of effort.

When it comes to your fundraising needs, Harmison's Hometown Fundraising is here to help! Not only have we become a success in the Midwest, but we are proud to now service customers nationwide! Our Missouri-based fundraising company is committed to providing you, your organization and your community with quality products and customer service. We hope these tips help you get out there and sell, sell sell, so you can reach your fundraising goals!

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